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Religion and Church
Book of Martyrs
Religion and Church
Book of Martyrs
Book of Martyrs
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Book of Martyrs
FOX’S BOOK OF MARTYRS, "Or a History of the Lives, Sufferings, and Triumphant Deaths of the Primitive Protestant Martyrs, from the Introduction of Christianity to the Latest Periods of Pagan, Popish, and Infidel Persecutions. ?H1 together with the usual subjects contained in similar Works, the Recent Persecutions in the Cantons of Switzerland, the Persecutions of the Methodists and Baptist Missionaries in the West India Islands; and the Narrative of the Conversion, Capture, Long Inprisonment, and Cruel Sufferings of Asaad Shidiak, a Native of Palestine. Likewise A Sketch of the French Revolution, as connected with Persecution." Actually this is not the famous Book of Martyrs by George Fox, but a book that uses much of Fox and with a collection of other persecutions thrown in to bring the narrative more up to date. I do have a large copy of Fox's Book of Martyrs that will be scanned and added to this collection in the future. This book, after documenting so many horrible persecutions by every religion, sect, and non-religions too, contends that Christians, REAL Christians, have never persecuted. Well, well, well! With this "logic" we can exonerate all and everyone, by simply saying the persecutors were not who they said they were, because those people would never persecute.
Emmett F. Fields
Model: FOX
Author: Fox
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